- DisplayActivationMessage=true
- DisplayDeactivationMessage=true
- EnableCheatWeight=true
- EnableRestoreFood=true
- EnableRestoreHealth=true
- EnableRestoreWater=true
- PotionConfirmConsumption=true
Private Server Rental Options Form
This form is required to be filled out and submitted when renting a server so we may ensure proper setup to your location and preferences.
Private Server Rental Options Form
Approved Modded Maps
Where premium versions of any pre-approved mods or maps are available, select “yes” next to premium if you wish to have that version for your server.
If you’d like to make suggestions for additional Mods or Modded Maps for us to review and potentially add to this list please make them in the Gamers Guild Discord Suggestions Channel.
ASA Cluster
Approved Mods List
Note that INIs can not be customized from what we have specified. This is to ensure there are no issues with the Clustering to the Community Maps. For more information on our INI info for each Approved Mod, please open a Help Ticket and speak with IT Cluster Support.
Gamers Guild is continually reviewing ASA mods and this list will update as we continue to investigate the ever growing list of ASA mods. If you’d like to make suggestions for additional Mods or Modded Maps for us to review and potentially add to this list please make them in the Gamers Guild Discord Suggestions Channel.
** Indicates this mod is a “Cluster Mod” meaning it is on our main cluster maps.
ASA Cluster
Creatures (Unique Dinos):
- Zytharian Critters – Tek Collection
- Zytharian Critters – Custom Collection
- Zytharian Critters – Skeletal Collection
- MarniiMods Griffins **
- Jurassic Rex
- Reclamation’s Resource Slags **
- RR – Star Farm Animals
- RR – Star Exotic Animals
- No Untameables
- Shiny! Dinos ** | Alterations Below
- S-Dino Variants **
- Insaluna (I-Dino) Variants **
- Felis **
- Glow Ascended ** | Alterations Below
- Big Cats
- Jumping Spider
- MXOA Unicorn
- RR-StarSeahorse
- Amissa Additions
Decor (Decorations):
- JVH Garden Decor
- JVH Landscaping | Alterations Below
- Outdoor decor **
- Wall’n’Floor Decor **
- Primitive stations **
- Circa’s RP Deco | Alterations Below
- RR-Medieval RP Deco | Alterations Below
- Vegetation Planters
Building (Building Structures):
- Colonial Expansion Cottages
- RR-Medieval Structures**
- Western Decor
- Frenchy’s Wild West
- Arkitect Structures Remastered | Alterations Below
- Klinger Additional Rustic Building **
- Dwarven Builders
Skins and Wardrobes (Hair & Outfits):
Utilities & Quality of Life (Provides a better way of doing something or getting resources. This may also include Admin Use Only Mods):
- Custom Dino Levels**
- Tech HoverSkiff
- Cyber structures**|Alterations Below
- Cryo Geodes**
- Klinger Additional Structures**
- Lady’s Feasts and Farming**
- Human NPCs ASA
- Scribbles – Better Signs **
- Super Spyglass Plus ** | Alterations Below
- Crafting Skill Potion ** | Alterations Below
- Nanoh’s Reusables **
- Awesome Teleporters ** | Alterations Below
- Base Area Finder**
- Craftable X y Z seeds
- Rhythmbox
- RPG Fantasy Jukebox (please note this requires the rhythmbox)
- Mouse Saver – Easy Dino Attacks
Cluster Improvements (Includes mods you may not see but improve the cluster):
- Automated Dino Wipes **
- Simple Trades** (admin only for cluster)
- Simple Treasures** (admin only for cluster)
Events (Special Game Events, Cluster is set to Current WC Holiday):
Overhauls (Using Maps/Creatures/Items modifies the gameplay for taming creatures, progression and survival. This can range from an easy modification to diffcult. Overhaul mods will ONLY be allowed on Un-Clustered Private Maps):
Adjusted Settings
Shiny! Dinos
- CanCarryShinies=True
- DebugLogging=True
- DinoLifetimeMax=6h
- DinoLifetimeMin=5h
- DisableEssenceExtraction=False
- DisableNotificationCoordinates=False
- DisableNotifications=False
- DisableTrackerCoordinates=False
- EnragedLevelMultiplier=1.0
- EnragedRawEssenceRewardAmount=0.0
- EssenceChanceSecond=0
- LocationPrecision=2
- MaxNumShinies=12
- NoActiveDuplicateDinos=True
- NoShinyAquatics=False
- NoShinyFlyer=False
- NoShinyUnrideables=False
- NotificationDuration=8.0
- NotificationInterval=0
- NotificationNoDinoType=False
- NotificationNoShinyVariant=False
- NumSearchLoops=15
- PopulateOnLoad=True
- RandomSelectionBias=0
- RequireTracker=True
- ShiniesUntameable=False
- SpawnIntervalMax=30m
- SpawnIntervalMin=15m
- StatBoostChance=0.1
- StatBoostStrength=1.6
- SubVariantChance=0.1
- TamedShowSparkles=False
- TekNumUnlock=0
- TekNumUnlockAlpha=0
- TrackerNoDinoType=False
- TrackerNoShinyVariant=False
- UnlockTekOnKill=False
- VariantSwapChanceAberrant=0.05
- VariantSwapChanceGenesis=0.050
No Untameables
- Allow creatures to have abilities turned off
- Allow chibis even if events are off
Glow Ascended
- Cannot be tamed. These will be for prizes and event participation as well as potentially tier rewards.
JVH Landscaping
- Disabled Tree Platforms
- Disabled Redwood (Tree)
Circa’s RP Decor
- Engrams to = vanilla
- Item Costs = vanilla
RR Medieval RP Decor
- All potions turned off
ARKitect Structures Remastered
- Additional Support Distance in foundations = 1
Utilities & Quality of Life
Human NPCs ASA
- Can only choose hard setting
Super Spyglass Plus
- DisableOutlineMode=True
- DisableSupplyDropInfo=True
Crafting SKill Potion
Awesome Teleporter
- Crafting Cost Simplified
- AdminsSeeAllTeleporters=True
- MaxTeleportersPerPlayer=5
Cyber Structures
- no sounds
- Foundation requirement
- AdditionalSupportDistanceInFoundations=4
- PullingIgnoresPinCodes=false
- DisableResourcePulling = false
- ResourcePullRangeInFoundations=25
- AllowIntakeToPlaceWithoutWater=true
- Allow Power Generator To Power Tek Trough=True
- Enable Extended Death Cache=true
- Disable Door Sound=true
- Allow Grinding Mission Rewards=true
- Hide Range for seeing range of items After 60 seconds
- Discord Webhookfor all cloned dinos
- Simple Bed Cooldown=60 seconds
- DisableCloningCostMaximum =true
- Prevent Cloning Cloned Dinos =true
- PreventCloningNeuteredDinos=true
- FeedingTroughSlotCount = 100
- FeedingTroughMaxFoundationRange = 20
- TekTroughMaxFoundationRange=20
- GardenerRangeInFoundations = 20
- HitchingPostRange = 4
- HatcheryRangeInFoundations = 25
- HatcheryIncubationMultiplier = 1
- MutatorSlotCount=100
- MutatorPulseCost=100
- MutatorPulseCooldowns=900
- MaxMutatorRangeInFoundations=10
- MutatorModeBlacklist=SwapGender,AssignGender
- MutatorAllowBreedingNeutered=false
- MutatorBuffMaxStackCount=1
- NannyRangeInFoundations = 10
- NannyMaxImprint = 100
- DisableNannyImprinting = false
- NannyIntervalInSeconds = 35
- NannyFeedingStartThreshold = 10
- ClearEggMutationCounts = false
- PropagatorSlotCount = 50
- PropagatorMatingSpeedMultiplier = 1
- PropagatorMatingIntervalMultiplier = 1
- PropagatorFuelInterval = 86400.0
- PropagatorModCostMutate = 1
- PropagatorModCostBreed = 1
- PropagatorModCostGender = 1
- PropagatorMutationStackCount = 2
- PropagatorDisallowGenderSwap=true
- TribePropagatorLimit=1
- FabricatorFuelMultiplier = 0.5
- GeneratorFuelMultiplier = 2
- GrillFuelMultiplier = .5
- GrinderResourceReturnPercent=50
- GrinderResourceReturnMax = 10000
- GrinderFuelMultiplier = 0.5
- IndustrialCookerFuelMultiplier =1
- AllowMultiToolNeuterAll=true
- VivariumSlotCount=25
- DisableVivariumResourceGeneration=false
- DisableVivariumAdvResources=false
- VivariumResourceMultiplier=1 (for the cluster this is .25)
- VivariumEggChanceMultiplier=1 (for the cluster this is .25)
- VivariumBaseInterval=200
- VivariumIntervalPerDino=200
- VivariumResourceBlacklist=SweetVeggieCake
- TribeVivariumLimit=4
- DisableTekCloningClonedDinos=true
- TekCloningTerminalSlotCount=100
- TekCloningCostMultiplier=2.5
- DisableTekCloningNeuteredDinos=True
- TekCloningSpeedMultiplier=2
- AllowTekCloningRaidDinos=false
- AllowTekCloningBossDinos=false
Cluster Improvements
Automated Dino Wipes